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How to Apply

The Housing Authority offers two Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded programs. One is Public Housing, which is available only in Carbon County. We have 141 units that are owned and managed by the HA. The 2nd program is the Housing Choice Voucher program, commonly known as Section 8. This is where a client finds a home or apartment in the community & rent is subsidized by the the HA. This program is available both in Carbon & Emery counties.

Submit an application 
A building with a parking lot, under a clear blue sky with a few clouds.

You can submit an application online by clicking on the Application link below or submit one in our office. We have 2 options - Public Housing (Carbon County only) and Section 8 (Carbon & Emery County). Our office is open Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m and Friday from 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. Closed for Holidays.

251 S 1600 E #2647 Price, UT 84501

Office Phone (435) 637-5170


Documents & Background Check 
A sample Social Security card with placeholder text for SSN and name.

Applications must include the following documents for all family members in order to be placed on the waiting list. 1) Law enforcement records check authorization forms for each person over 18 yrs of age. 2) Birth Certificates & Social Security Cards for everyone listed on the application AND Photo ID for all adults. 3) Declaration of Citizenship Form

You may bring your documents & complete our background check authorization and citizenship forms in our office OR submit copies & completed forms to :

Refer to checklist below for pdf download of required forms.

Email Documents

Wait Lists 
A vintage-style clock with Roman numerals sits on a textured surface.

Currently the wait time for Section 8 and Public Housing is approximately 6-12 months.

PLEASE REMEMBER: The agency will contact all applicants by mail or phone. If your mailing address or phone number changes after you apply, you must notify us. Applicants who fail to update us with a new address or phone number and their mail is returned will be removed from the waiting list.


✔ Application

✔ Background Authorization Form 1✔ Background Authorization Form 2✔ Citizenship FormDisplacement+Form.pdf

✔ Email Documents

The waiting list

Once completed & turned in, your application will be placed on a waiting list, based on any preference you are eligible for and based on date and time of application. Your position on the waiting list may change daily – moving back when someone with greater preference moves ahead of you and moving forward when applications are pulled off the list.

Applicants are pulled off the list when either there is a Public Housing unit available or a Section 8 voucher available. Once your name is near the top of the list, you will receive a letter to update your application. You will be required to verify your income, family composition, preference and certify to your eligibility as a citizen, and in the case of Public Housing, screened for suitability.